SQL in 30 Pages

  • SQL in 30 Pages is a brief e-booklet of fewer than 4,000 words, designed to get you into SQL as fast as possible, as easily as possible.
  • There is no bull in this Micro-Manual by popular online teacher U.Q. Magnusson. For those who need to quickly ramp up on SQL, but have no time to plow through a 600-page tome, this is for you.
  • From the very first page you will learn about the basic concepts of SQL, including the command-line interface, the CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, and Delete), multiple tables, functions, data types, and indexing.
  • Simple yet comprehensive examples follow as you zip through, and each is explained in pithy detail.


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Data are stored in tables. Each table consists of horizontal rows, and each row is an identical sequence of fields. The repetition of these, row by row, forms vertical columns of fields. Thus, the structure of data is represented as a table of rows and columns.

A collection of tables is called a Database.

To demonstrate, we will create a simple database, called _YourData. There will be one user, ‘user1’, whose password is ‘password’:

These are three different SQL commands. Each command is terminated with a semi-colon, or ';' character, which tells the DBMS to execute the command.

The first command tells the DBMS to create the _YourData database, and compose it of latin1 characters. (Don't worry about the "latin1" term; it's not really the latin you learned in school.) The second command tells the DBMS that every subsequent command will be applicable only to the _YourData database, and not to any other. The third command creates the username and password.

Let’s begin with a simple data table that you are familiar with: your phonebook. In its simplest form, it consists of three elements: names, addresses and phone numbers. Therefore, your data table, called _Phonebook, will consist of three columns. Each column may be referred to as a field. Because SQL reserves certain words for itself, we will prefix all our field names with an underscore, or '_' character, to avoid “name collisions”. Thus, our column names are _Name, _Address, and _Number.

You will create this _Phonebook table with the command:

Let’s break this down. CREATE TABLE (…..); tells the DBMS to create a table. Inside the parentheses, you “define” your three fields. Each field, or column, is separated by a comma. For each field, you define its name, data type, and whether or not it can be empty, or NULL.

Data types are simply a way of telling the DBMS what you kind of data you plan to put there. For instance, CHAR(20) means that your _Name field will consist of 20 or less characters, such as ‘A’ or ‘z’. INTEGER is just what it says, an integer, referring to a numerical value that can be added, subtracted, or whatever.

Other data types include FLOAT, DECIMAL, DATE and TIME. With small variations, these are consistent across DBMSs. I’ll cover these more in the Data Types section.

NULL versus NOT NULL identifies whether the field is allowed to be empty or not. By using NULL, you are saying that the _Address and _Phone fields may be empty; that is useful because you may want to leave them blank and fill them in later.

Once you have created an empty _Phonebook table, you will input data like this:

Congratulations. You have created your very first record, or row of data. Note how the above command resembles simple English. Just like a spoken command, you have told the DBMS to INSERT your data into the _Phonebook table.

Unlike a spoken command, however, you must adhere strictly to the rules of SQL. One misplaced comma, one forgotten quote sign, and you will be mercilessly harangued by the DBMS for the grievous crime of committing a “syntax” error. In those cases, however, it is just a matter or going back and fixing the problem before retrying.

You may insert as many records as the DBMS allows you. Some DBMSs allow for billions of records, while some cap it at a few thousand.

A note about formatting: The DBMS parses SQL by treating indentations and new lines as spaces. Therefore, you may use indentations and new lines as you wish. I use them interchangeably throughout this manual to make my operations easier to understand.

Here are a few more INSERTS. Note how we can reorder the fields, or even leave them blank.

After these, your _Phonebook table will look like this:

So, in the course of a few SQL commands, you have created your database, user, table, and the first records.


Data are not very helpful unless you can read them. The SQL token for reading is SELECT. A SELECT command is referred to as a "query".

SELECT can be used in a variety of ways. You can retrieve everything from your table. You can retrieve just one column. You can retrieve just one row. You can retrieve just one column from just one row. If you are not sure what you are looking for, you can go fishing.

The asterisk, or '*' character, is a SQL token for “everything”. Therefore, if you want to retrieve the entire _Phonebook table, you will enter the command:

If you wish, you can also specify individual columns. For example, if you want to pull the _Name and _Phone column, you will enter:

If you want to specify which record or records you want to retrieve, you may do this with the ‘WHERE’ token. This limits the output to only those records which match your requirement. This requirement is called a “conditional”. The WHERE conditional is often referred to as the "WHERE clause". In its simplest form, the WHERE clause would be a single field containing a single value.

By now, you can see that SQL is a very simple language. The trade-off is that you must be absolutely precise in your usage. If you enter either of the following, you will get nothing.

These will both return an empty set:

The first empty result is because you used lowercase letters. Since the data are "case-sensitive", this is like misspelling Sally’s name. The second is because you entered an incomplete search string. Since the query looks only for Sally’s first name, it does not match your original string of characters.

If you're unsure, you will need to use the ‘LIKE’ token. This tells the DBMS to query the table with a fuzzy comparison. For instance, you know that ‘Sally’ is part of her name. You would use the ‘%’ character as a wildcard, entering:

So, any kind of immediate data retrieval will start with 'SELECT'. By now, you can see that the SELECT query will be your new best friend.



Evan T.says:
I mastered SQL in one sitting!

I'm always looking for quick instructional manuals for my job. One of my primary criteria is how short the manual is, which is why I loved this book's title, "SQL in 30 Pages". All the other "bare minimum" SQL books are hundreds of pages long.

I was surprised at the brevity and conciseness. U.Q. Magnusson packs a lot of good stuff into a really quick read, and he gets right down to the practical nitty-gritty. It's so simple. Other computer books read like giant tomes from the Temples of Syrinx, but Mr. Magnusson explains the material so clearly that I glommed it right away.

I also appreciated how practical this guide was. Usually you read these things, and then you realize that you're totally unprepared for the actual experience - like, what happens if you hit the wrong key, or forget the right sequence? In contrast, "SQL in 30 Pages" is all about the little gotchas you're going to encounter. There were no ponderous dissertations or self-aggrandizing comments, just solid, authoritative instruction.

By using a free "open source" database called MySQL, which was really easy to Google and install on my computer, I was following his simple example database and whipping up SQL queries in no time. Starting with the operations of CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete), he explained the basic ideas as we went along, breaking down every piece of SQL code, and even showing some variations so I could really understand what was going on.

Gratefully, his examples were appropriately formatted to my Kindle screen. In most other E-Books, an author will take a screen shot, slap it in, and let the reader figure it out with a lot of squinting. You could tell that Mr. Magnusson really cares about his e-readers, because his diagrams and code were all rendered plainly and clearly. Even better, his examples were often displayed with the less important parts grayed out, so I could immediately see the critical parts without losing any of the full query.

He showed me how to create multiple tables and use them together to get content-packed results. He presented the more useful functions like SUM and MAX and MIN. With very simple language, he explained about different types of data. Mr. Magnusson even delved into the wonkier notions of databases, like indexes and keys.

"SQL in 30 Pages" was so simple that I gave it to my kid. He likes to learn about computer stuff and wants to be the next Bill Gates. Right now, he's excited to learn about databases. I'm excited to see the next "micro-manual" from U.Q. Magnusson.


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